Providing education regarding site landscaping and offering clients an opportunity to ask questions is very important to us. Botanicon is here to support you in managing one of the largest line items on a communities budget, the landscaped environment.
Our independent, third party landscape vendor management, horticultural consultation and quality assurance services benefit plants and people. We facilitate all aspects of site landscaping on behalf of our clients, and sharing knowledge helps us all do our jobs better.
In June, we hosted our 1st educational event HORT 101: Landscape Plants for Southern California Landscapes at the Water Conservation Garden. Attendees were led on a tour throughout the garden to view and discuss low maintenance, water conscious plants. They loved it and asked for more!
The tour was outstanding. Excellent information!
Great tour! I’d love to learn more about focused areas in the landscape – islands, slopes, entrances.
Knowledgeable speakers. How about more on best practices for HOA Boards and Landscapes?
Well, here you go! Our 2nd Landscape Seminar, HORT 102 is being held on Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 11am-4pm. We will host property managers, HOA board and landscape committee members, developer and municipal land managers for an afternoon of education and opportunity. Location TBD, but somewhere in Central San Diego. So, save the date!
Topics? Attendees decide! What horticulture, landscape, tree or irrigation topics would benefit your community? Email or call us to be added to our interest list, and choose from some topics below or write in some of your own.
HORT 102 Friday, Oct. 4, 2019. Which topics interest you?
- Plant Choices for Specific Areas
- Landscape Specifications-What’s in My Contract?
- Planning for the Future-Landscape Master Plan for Improvements
- Benefits of Urban Trees in a Community
- Increasing Site Sustainability
- Saving Water and Money Irrigating Landscapes
- Is that Turf Really Necessary, or Maintenance Intensive?
- Tree Succession and Replacement
- Ecosystem Buffers and Open Space Management
- Site Inventories – Measuring What You Manage
- Industry Standards of Care – Pruning and Planting
- Managing Risks in the Landscape
- Are We on the Same Page? Contractor Communication
- Importance of Mulch and Building Soil Health

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